Posts: 746
Location: England | The VST specification isn't the most rigorously followed document in the world, and often VST hosts will do things in their own unique way. Where possible, I've tried to work around these various nuances in the code, but inevitably there are times when that is not possible. Often, however, there's a way for you to tell the host to behave, by flipping a specific switch in a specific setup or preferences screen.
I've setup this thread so that when people face problems with their hosts, they can see what the common solutions are. - Eventually, I will include the most common/useful tips in future editions of the reViSiT help file.
- If you stumble across a solution, feel free to enter it under this thread (with appropriate steps, descriptions and screenshots, etc.).
- This is NOT the place to request help - please start a separate thread.
Posts: 746
Location: England | Here's a useful tip I received from Arpad: In FL Studio, reViSiT audio may sound choppy unless the host uses fixed buffer sizes. Using the plugin drop menu: Compatibility > "Use fixed buffer sizes".